User Agreement

Hands high fiving

Code of Ethics

  • Confidentiality
    • Please keep the topics discussed in these sessions confidential.
      We will be sharing your contact info with your partners for the purposes of submitting hourly logs for ICF credentialing and/or communication about your sessions. Your partner's contact info should only be used as it relates to Let's Coach and ICF credentialing, unless otherwise explicitly given permission by your partner.
  • Respect
    • Respect yourself and your partner: Treat these sessions as a paid appointment. Show up on time, bring your full presence, and practice non-judgement.
    • Respect our platform: Please don't take your barter sessions with people you met through Let's Coach off this platform.
  • Support
    • Create a safe environment for your client to open up and explore. Create a safe environment for your coach to potentially try new skills.
    • We expect our coaches to provide timely feedback to their partner after each session (within 24 hours of the session to maximize learning).

Cancellation/No Show Policy

  • After matches are sent out to our users, any schedule conflicts that arise will result in a cancelled session. At this time, Let's Coach will not be rescheduling any new matches mid-week.
  • We encourage our coaches to double check their schedules before sending their availabilities to avoid disappointing your partners who were eager to barter with you.
  • Any cancellations within 24 hours of sessions will incur a $15 late cancellation fee. This is to keep accountability high and to ensure a good experience for all our users. We know life happens, so if emergencies come up, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Tracking hours

  • You are expected to keep track of your own hours generated from our platform. Please use the "Past Sessions" tab for reference.

**Please note that we are still growing as a platform, so these policies are subject to evolve as we continue to figure out how to best serve our coaches. All new updates will be emailed to our users, and by sending us your next availability and/or payment, you agree to abide by our policies.